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jueves, 9 de marzo de 2017

What should I do in case of suspected consumption?

When the parent or anyone suspects that their son or daughter, a family member, or someone close to him, is using drugs or is conducting behaviors that could lead to some other type of addiction, he or she must be sympathetic but firm. There are things you can do and others you can not:


Give just importance 
Believe what you see
Share the concern
To confront
Monitor without pressing


Deny the evidence 
Hide information 
Cover up 
Agree with reproaches 

Alarms signs about the suspicion of consumption drugs

There are many physical and behavioral signs that indicate drug use. Learn about them and be aware of your child by acting in a different way. Signs include:

  1. Abrupt change in personal care and grooming.
  2. Sleep disorders with insomnia and / or nightmares and tremors.
  3. Excessive weight loss or appetite.
  4. Decrease in school performance or dropout.
  5. Physical isolation, tendency to isolate himself in his room.
  6. Decreased verbal and affective communication.
  7. Impoverishment of vocabulary.
  8. Abandonment of hobbies and interests.
  9. Sudden mood swings.
  10. Loss of responsibility.

Did you know that there are differences in the use of drugs in women?

Scientists who study substance use have discovered special issues related to hormones, menstrual cycle, fertility, pregnancy, breastfeeding, and menopause that can impact women’s struggles with drug use. In addition, women themselves describe unique reasons for using drugs, including controlling weight, fighting exhaustion, coping with pain, and self-treating mental health problems.

Substance use during pregnancy can be risky to the woman’s health and that of her children in both the short and long term. Use of some substances can increase the risk of miscarriage and can cause migraines, seizures, or high blood pressure in the mother, which may affect the baby. In addition, the risk of stillbirth is two to three times greater in women who smoke tobacco or marijuana, take prescription pain relievers, or use illegal drugs during pregnancy.

miércoles, 8 de marzo de 2017

How much is an addict spending on drugs?

Resultado de imagen de euros y droga
Los europeos gastan cada año 24.000 millones de euros en drogas ilegales. 

Así lo asegura el último informe de la Unión Europea Mercados de Drogas 2016. De este estudio se extrae que, de entre todas las sustancias ilegales adquiridas por los europeos, el cannabis es la que se lleva la palma siendo consumida por alrededor de 22 millones de personas, lo que supone el 38% del total de las ventas al por menor que se producen anualmente en el Viejo Continente. 

Tras esta, en el segundo escalafón encontramos la heroína, con un mercado estimado de entre 6.000 y 7.800 millones de euros al año.

Si quieres leer más sobre ello, pincha sobre el enlace de esta noticia del periódico El Mundo: http://www.elmundo.es/f5/comparte/2017/03/06/58b96288ca4741fa1c8b4644.html

martes, 7 de marzo de 2017

What really happens in our body when we consume cannabis...

Hay quien defiende sus virtudes terapéuticas, pero los estudios concluyen que puede tener consecuencias nefastas para la memoria o los huesos

Borrar tu pasado,dejar de recordar palabras,perjudicial para los dientes, puede ocasionar problemas de corazón,...Estos son algunos de los posibles efectos secundarios de consumir cannabis.
Si quieres saber más sobre esta noticia recientemente publicada en El Pais pincha en el siguiente enlace..

sábado, 4 de marzo de 2017

Sanitary professionals united to foment the formation in smoking cessation

Various health professionals from different fields, professional categories (medina, nursing, pharmacy, ...) and autonomous communities have come together to spread knowledge about smoking cessation using new technologies and Social Networks, especially Twitter, Facebook and YouTube and Associating them with the hashtag # stoptabaco31mayo.

The campaign will run for five months, from January to May 31 (World No Tobacco Day), with the intention of providing information, skills and abilities to quit smoking through videos, links, photos or other documents with material Of interest in the approach to smoking.

The initiative can be followed on Twitter with hashtag # stoptabaco31mayo or on the YouTube channel: Stoptabaco31mayo.